Project: Setup Compiz with Mint 13 Mate. Configure workspaces on the cube which can rotate by dragging with the middle mouse button.
- Command Line: # apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
- In Control Center -> Startup Applications add a Compiz entry with the command compiz --replace.
- In mateconf-editor, set /desktop/mate/session/required_components/windowmanager from marco to compiz.
- Log in and out to start Compiz.
Configure basic window and cube settings in Compiz Configuration Settings Manager:
- Select Effects -> Window Decoration
- Select Widow Management -> Move Window
- Select Desktop -> Desktop Cube
- Select Desktop -> Rotate Cube
Setting up the Workspace Switcher:
- Add the Workspace Switcher gadget to your favorite panel.
- Set Workspace Switcher preferences Number of workspaces to '1'.
Configure the cube in CompizConfig Settings Manager. Under General Options -> Desktop Size set:
- Horizontal Virtual size: number of workspaces, e.g.4.
- Vertical Virtual size: 1
- Number of desktops: 1
Bind the middle mouse button to drag the cube rotation.
- Set Rotate Cube -> Bindings -> Rotate Cube to Button2.